parKhangCyungChung ぱるかん ちゅん ちゅん iPhone APP:
Handout Photo with WiFi

Distribute the Photo-Handout to many Web-browsers in the Wi-Fi.

You can distribute the photos to many people at once, in the conferences, the classes, and the training.

start Handout

Tap the button 'START' to start handout photo.

The URL is needed by the Web-Browser.

How to Connect

by Hand

type the URL in the Web-Browser by Hand.


If your browser can search the URL with Bonjour, you do not need manual input.

Wifi setting

All devices must be connected to the SAME Wifi.

In public Wifi (in the hotel, etc.), it may not work.

by ぱるかん ちゅん ちゅん ParKhang Cyung Cyung དཔར་ཁང་ཆུང་ཆུང་།